Thursday, 30 October 2008

Own Portfolio Transaction:

Bought Babcock & Brown Global Investments @ $0.075 today.


Anonymous said...


any reasons why you bought into this stock?

The company has halted any dividend payout till further notice, if i am not wrong.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kit, you bought Babock & Brown for the year end dividend?


Kit said...

I just bought as i think my cost will be half with the "promised" 3 cents dividend for the second half. Like i always say,the lowest price any share can go is half a cent unless its suspensed! So i think the bottom is very near indeed but the potential capital gain is huge considering it was trading more than $1 i year. They call it "margin of safety". I dun analyse their results or business. Its very negative and this is good cos i believe the majority of that have been factored in.