Sharing with you the following posts in one of the share forums:
People always worry
On weekend, they worry about monday.
On monday, they worry about tuesday..
On tuesday, they worry about wedsnesday..
2 Years ago, they worried about inflation.
Year ago, they worried about oil price.
Today they worry about subprime and credit.
tomorrow, they are going to worry abt something... but Market goes on.
Even filthy rich also has worry. Buffet worries he can get a good successor. Others worry they dont have a son to take over their wealth. The bears worry that they will be caged for their biles.
Story of " 杞人忧天“ 。。。 - long long ago in china, a person from qi keep worry that the sky will fall.
1997 : - Hongkong returned back to china mainland, people say hongkong going to finish. Now ?
1999 : - lots of dooms day tellers say 1999 end of the world, bible predicted it. Now?
2001 : - US WTC kena attacked, many say world war III coming , now ?
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